Photo: Look Photography, Monica Schippers

About Ruth

Ruth Schemmel (she/her) writes fiction and creative nonfiction. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bellevue Literary Review, Fiction, New Orleans Review, swamp pink, Seattle Times, North Dakota Quarterly, The Ghost Story, and other publications. She has received a Jack Straw fellowship and a Pushcart nomination.

Ruth earned an MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a BA in English from Cornell University. She taught English as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine (Group 6) and has taught English language learners in public schools from Chervonohrad, Ukraine, to the Bronx, New York, to Redmond, Washington.

Currently, Ruth teaches reading and writing and English language acquisition at Everett Community College. She lives in Seattle, Washington, with her family.

Get in touch: ruthschemmel at